Hey blog! Seems like i have been neglecting u for a long long time, well what can i say im here now =) For the people who might be wondering why i haven't been blogging, here's the reason why. Say it im lazy or somehow i kinda feels tired. I used to think that blogging is a way of letting things out and remembering things like what a dairy does. But somehow it just defeated its purpose now. As I've learn to take life as it comes. =) Many things are so unpredictable nowadays, including relationships which are so fragile. And for the people who knows me, i like to stay away from the ones that i wouldn't be going along well with just to avoid trouble. Sometimes i do think that without handphones or computers perhaps life will be better. People will cherish each other more, and appreciate their existence. Things will be less complicated as it is now. Don't you think so? Talking about that, friends. I do treat my friends with my true feeling but sometimes i just need time on my own. And maybe it would be better to leave me alone when u feel like im faking a smile or just to ask if im fine. To my close friends if i have done something which upsets you, tell me. I would try my best to change. But talking about this only true friends will do this i guess.
Hello world
I hope you're listening, forgive me if I’m young
for speaking out of turn.
There’s someone I’ve been missing.