every picture has it's own story to tell.

Its raining cats n dogs tdy. Went home straight aft sch. Got back most of my prelim pprs except eng compo, math ppr 2, phy n history. Sad to say i did failed all my ppr currently from wat i noe other than my poa which gt 32.5/40 for pp 1 n 57/60 for pp 2. Whereas for my eng, i did assume it to b a fail as i gt 15/30 for functional writing, 12/25 for compo n 13/25 for summary. And from wat i rmb, i only wrote 190 wrds for my compo lols. Math was another disappointment for me, our whole class failed our math ppr 1 n i got 29/80! its like 3 times of my mark compared to my express class juniors who scored 60 plus. Next to come was my ss ppr. hahahs well i tink tis is d lowest score among all (i hope), 12/50. For chemistry, i tot i scored but seems like nth is gg on my way. Got 27/40 for mcq, 11/15 for practical, 36/65 for pp. This jus show how far off im from my O lvls ...