It's true we don't realise what we've until it's gone,
but we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives, yes?
had been gg out consistently enjoyin my life hahas !ytd went to lib wif Ting wei n Chin wei .as per normal went to tuitor dem chem n phy .
And tt Chin wei nearly cost mi half of my life to exp tinks out,
bt hope tt dey did understand wat i hav been teachin.
Aftr tt went to west mall to mit Bjorn n his fren to catch a movie.
On d way dere saw lester n his family hahas!
had a nice chat wif him =)
Saturday 28/9/08
went to d lib,jp,dinner.
Friday 27/9/08
Went to sch tdy as it was d last day of sch so dun wish to miss anytink.
attented poa sub den home sweet home.
Thursday 26/9/08
Didnt manage to go sch tdy as i overslept due to d gd weather =X opps !
Wednesday 25/9/08
Joined my dearest ym out for buyin presents..
however i only helped out wif d wrappin part XD.
A tiring day indeed.. hahas
1stly,she came to find mi aftr sch at my sch side gate,
den we went for our lunch at yuhua dere de market ..
hahhs i tink it has been ages since she last whn dere aftr leavin pri sch.
recalled our sweet memories we once had.from dere we headed to my hse.
hahas we r perspiring lyk hell wif d sun above us.
Aftr reachin my hse we slacked a lil den off to imm.
hahas! guess we do hav alot of we walked dere agn.
Aftr finishin buyin her presents,we went to je by walkin agn as it was jus a stone throw a

And finally aftr tt whn back to my hm to start our wk.
Had dinner at my hse as my mum had cooked our shares.
Lata i sent her hm as we take bus 99.
Guess wat reali matters mi most was d return journey,if u understand mi.
Passed blk 707,i kinda saw wat "we"once had.
Well in d past,he nv fails to send mi hm no matter hw late it was,wat it takes.
reached hm ard 11.30pm.